
Collecting long-term data for the ‘Hydrological Corridor’ in East Africa

June 3, 2015

Recently CALM signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the NAGA Foundation. The aim of the Memorandum for Naga is to obtain a proof of concept of the ‘Hydrological Corridor’ in East Africa.

The Memorandum provides to CALM the opportunity to collect long-term data over an extended area of restored landscapes.

Naga and CALM intend to strengthen the scientific basis of the ‘Hydrological Corridor’ (proof of concept), as foreseen in the regional Naga projects in East Africa, and to collaborate with the aim at improving land, water, vegetation and climate conditions taking into account stakeholders contributions for a sustainable development at the benefit of the whole region. This will help to understand better the relation between groundcover and climate change and it will support the modelling of typical monsoon climates under changing conditions.

The ‘Hydrological Corridor’ implies a moderation of temperature and rainfall extremes by stimulation of green vegetation. Soil and water conservation on strategic locations in the area between the Indian ocean and the Kilimanjaro initiate the greening, support biodiversity and green economies and assures a more sustainable watershed drainage through groundwater and rivers.

The memorandum also mentions the need for a multi-sectoral and multi-level governmental approach taking into account stakeholders contributions for a sustainable development at the benefit of the whole region. Naga intends to work on awareness raising and capacity building through local organisations. Naga has wider aspiration to extend to other areas of concern and to support a community of scientists and practitioners to build on an open source network for the restoration of the hydrological cycle.

More information on the hydrological corridor: