
Data scientists and users of big datasets of Wageningen University & Research into FAIR data

April 11, 2017

Scientists around the globe are facing the challenges of implementing the FAIR Data principles. Good implementation will allow for use of the proper data, proper credits to scientists who produced the data, and making available data and algorithms.

The two external experts Erik Schultez (DTL / UMCL) and Luiz Bonino (DTL /VU) will present their view on the impact of the implementation of the FAIR data principles facilitating our own research and on the actions and infrastructure needed for this implementation. Bert Lotz of Wageningen University & Research will present an example in which dilemmas of data privacy and data ownership are clearly present.

The meeting of 25 April will bring together some 40 data scientists and others active in the field of data analysis of Wageningen University & Research. They, and their non-data-science colleagues are faced with exponentially increasing data and the same time an increasing demand on transparency, accessibility and (re-)use of these data. Proper skills, data interoperability and other infrastructure should allow us to spend less time on data transformation (to make them suitable to use) and more on data analysis (answering proper research questions). Good insight into the issues of data privacy and data ownership is needed for data scientist to collaborate with data owners (e.g. industry or farmers) owners in an effective manner. Although addressed within the FAIR data principles and with similarity in solutions with other research domains (e.g. human), this will be specifically exemplified via the Akkerweb platform.

Location: Radix Building / Room M10

Date: 25 April



Erik Schultez DTL / UMCL - (FAIR) Data Stewardship: Value to the researchers


Intermezzo: Bert Lotz - The open-platform Akkerweb & the use of FAIR data principles


Luiz Bonino DTL / VU - The FAIR data ecosystem

Moderator: Richard Finkers (WUR) & Ben Schaapo (WUR / GODAN)

Godan: Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition

DTL: Dutch Techcenter for Life Sciences