
HSO guest: Anna Bonmatí Tomàs

May 1, 2018

Anna: "I’m Anna Bonmati from the Universitat de Girona. I will be in Wageningen University until the end of May. In my University, I’m a lecturer on Nutrition and Pharmacology in the Bachelor of Nursing and in the Master on Health Promotion.

I’m involved in the European Training Consortium Public Health and Health Promotion (ETC-PHHP) with some colleagues of the Health and Society Department of Wageningen University. I enjoy and learn a lot during the summer schools when we share experiences about working in the field of health promotion with the salutogenic approach. I would like to invite you to live this experience with me.

My research is related to vulnerable people and this give me the opportunity to participate in some nice projects with really nice people." 

Welcome Anna! We are very happy to have you here!