
Jean Hillier and Michael Gunder in a new edited book on Evolutionary Governance Theory. Free download for WUR users

January 6, 2015

Out now: a new edited book on Evolutionary Governance Theory. This new book in the series on Evolutionary Governance Theory (EGT) presents empirical studies and theoretical reflections on the most important concepts and their interrelations. Through this book we learn how communities understand themselves and their environment. Authors from different disciplines develop the EGT framework further and apply it to a wide range of governance issues covering topics such as welfare state governance, networks of power, climate change, water governance, natural resource management etc. The contributors reflect on the possibilities and limitations of steering, intervention, management and development in a world continuously in flux. The book bridges the gap between more fundamental and philosophical accounts of the social sciences and applied studies, offering theoretical advancement as well as practical recommendations.

Part I Introduction

1 The Search for Evolutionary Approaches to Governance | Raoul Beunen, Kristof Van Assche, and Martijn Duineveld
2 An Overview of EGT’s Main Concepts | Kristof Van Assche, Raoul Beunen, and Martijn Duineveld

Part II Configuration of Actors and Institutions

3 Planning and Law in Evolving Governance | Kristof Van Assche, Raoul Beunen, Anneke Smit, and Gert Verschraegen
4 The Evolution of Welfare State Governance | Gert Verschraegen
5 Cultures of Informality and Networks of Power in Post-Soviet Non-democracies | Nicolas Hayoz
6 Agricultural Resources Governance in Uzbekistan: A System Theory-Inspired Perspective on Evolutionary Governance | Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Kristof Van Assche, and Anastasiya Shtaltovna
7 The Emergence of Governance and the Function of Law | Poul F. Kjaer
8 Evolutionary Governance, Sustainability, and Systems Theory: The Case of Central Asia | Nodir Djanibekov and Vladislav Valentinov

Part III Configurations of Power/Knowledge

9 Power/Knowledge as a Driver for Governance Evolution | Raoul Beunen, Kristof Van Assche, and Martijn Duineveld
10 The Role of Fantasy in Public Policy Formation | Michael Gunder
11 Topology and Object Formation| Iulian Barba Lata
12 Performances and Performativities of Resilience | Jean Hillier
13 Heated Debates: The Transformation of Urban Warming into an Object of Governance in the Netherlands | Daan Boezeman and Henk-Jan Kooij
14 Evolution of Governance or Genealogy of Power? | Guus Dix

Part IV Case Studies

15 Bridging Promises and (Dis)Illusions: Deliberative Democracy in an Evolutionary Perspective | Luigi Pellizzoni
16 A Co-evolutionary Perspective on the Adoption of Sustainable Land Use Practices: The Case of the Amu Darya River Lowlands, Uzbekistan | Utkur Djanibekov
17 Between Individual Autonomy and Centralized Control: Outlining an Evolutionary Model of Neo-endogenous Rural Development | Martin Petrick
18 Accounting in Evolving Organizations | Annastasiya Shtaltovna, Kristof Van Assche, and Anna-Katharina Hornidge
19 Negotiating Differences: The Role of Social Identity in the Emergence of Institutions for Local Governance | Jasper de Vries and Albert Aalvanger
20 Administrative (De)Centralization and the Governing of Borderlands: Towards Transmodern Governance in Belgium and DR Congo | Patrick Devlieger
21 Innovation in Governance | Kristof Van Assche, Raoul Beunen, Iulian Barba Lata, and Martijn Duineveld

Part V Conclusions

22 Bright Futures! (and Plenty of Work) | Raoul Beunen, Kristof Van Assche, and Martijn Duineveld
