
Search tip: Use ASFA for aquatic sciences and fisheries

January 14, 2019

If you want to find peer-reviewed and grey literature on topics in the aquatic sciences and fisheries, the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) may be very useful to you.

You probably already use Scopus and/or Web of Science to search peer-reviewed literature. Database ASFA is useful when you need literature on aquatic sciences or fisheries. You can find a link to the database on the WUR Library homepage under the tab 'Databases & Collections'.

ASFA covers peer-reviewed literature, reports and theses.

For example, a search in ASFA on 'atlantic cod and fisheries' retrieves 3284 search results. This is almost twice as many results as found with Scopus (1825).

This difference is mainly due to the high number of reports, conference proceedings, MSc and PhD theses that are exclusively covered by ASFA.

ASFA also holds many titles that are more region-specific, for example, on Scandinavia, Africa, and South America.

When you have to do a systematic literature search on aquatic sciences or fisheries, we recommend using ASFA as well as Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar. Do you need assistance with your literature search? Feel free to contact us for individual support.