
Searching for new antibiotics

December 20, 2016

There is an urgent need for new antibiotics. Researchers from Wageningen University and Research are looking for inspiration and substances in deep water sponges, soil bacteria and sprouts.

Read about this in the article The arms race against bacteria in the new edition of Wageningen World.

Wageningen World, the quarterly magazine by Wageningen University & Research, will be delivered through your letterbox on 20 December 2016.

Other topics:

How the world's largest rainforest will survive climate change.

How can we resolve the respiratory problems of people living close to free-range poultry farms?

Research into artificial photosynthesis for the production of biofuels and better crop growth.

It is time for a greater offensive against food waste.

The European agricultural policy must take into greater consideration the needs of citizens claim the Chair of the Wageningen Executive Board Louise Fresco and the economist Krijn Poppe.

Development researchers Maarten Voors and Max van Tilburg talk about life sixteen years after starting their studies in Wageningen.

How can we safely integrate the production of food and energy at sea?