
Step-by-step towards better road safety on Wageningen Campus

December 3, 2018

Wageningen Campus has seen a growing number of roads, cycle paths, and road users over the years. This has prompted a re-evaluation of traffic safety in order to achieve more clarity.

A consultancy firm has drawn up a plan that has been approved by the municipality. This plan was based on the Road Traffic Act and the related Traffic Regulations and Road Signs, which apply on Wageningen Campus, and has the following guiding principles:

  • Wageningen Campus is a 30 km zone, as indicated on all access roads for motorists, cyclists and other road users.
  • All intersections are equal in a 30 km zone. Intersections that give right of way to a particular direction or road user are indicated as right-of-way intersections (e.g. pedestrian crossings and the cyclist crossing on Bornsesteeg).
  • In the main area surrounding the Atlas, Orion and Forum buildings, all paths are equal and intended for slow traffic (cyclists and pedestrians).
  • Parking is prohibited on the entire campus, which means you can only park in the designated areas (those with a sign stating 'E01 zone').

The plan has been divided into phases, which will continue in 2019. Phase 1 will start on 3 December. This phase will focus primarily on implementing legally required measures, such as adjusting traffic signs and markings. For example, all no parking signs will be removed, as they may cause confusion when viewed together with the signs near the entrances. Several right-of-way situations will also be changed and poles will be more clearly marked on the paths.

More drastic measures will be taken to improve traffic safety in other situations. These will be addressed in subsequent phases.