
Students advise: exchange manure for grain

June 7, 2021

How to take a step towards more sustainable agriculture? That was the question the Vallei Varken partnership asked students and researchers at Wageningen University & Research. Through the Science Shop, they took up the question and advised to start swapping pig manure for locally grown agricultural products.

Vallei Varken aims for circular pig farming

Vallei Varken is an alliance of three pig farmers keen to contribute to circular pig farming. To achieve this, cooperation with arable farmers is needed in order to obtain animal feed. The Science Shop (part of Wageningen University & Research) helped to find out what such a cooperation could look like.

The students started by looking for arable farmers who would be interested in a cooperation with Vallei Varken; they found two of them. Next, they worked out three scenarios for cooperation.

Based on these scenarios, Vallei Varken can start a dialogue with the farmers in order to achieve a real cooperation. The students advise to start with cooperation in which locally grown grains and manure are exchanged. Read more about this research on the project page (in Dutch).

Sience Shop: research by students and researchers

The Science Shop seeks answers to research questions and to social problems that match Wageningen's knowledge. They conduct these studies for citizens, social organisations or social entrepreneurs with limited financial resources.

WUR students and researchers tackle the project together with the questioner. This is how we create a more sustainable world, step by step.

Work in progress

Would you like to contribute too? The Science Shop is regularly looking for students to participate in research projects. Does this appeal to you? Then take a look at the page 'Student assignments'.

Research and life experience thanks to the Science Shop
Marlijn Wagenaar, former student doing research for the Science Shop