
Successful seminar on Research Data Management Policy

December 8, 2016

Hundred policymakers, librarians and information specialists from Dutch universities and research institutions made plans for research data management policies and services. This collaboration might be successful in the future because all university libraries deal with the same questions and challenges.

Buzzwords on the seminar were FAIR data, Amsterdam Call for Action, and Open Science. The presentations and photos can be downloaded from the Surf website.

People who attended the seminar are kindly requested to fill in an online questionnaire about the seminar.

This one day seminar was organised by the UKB Working Group Research Data, the National Coordination Point Research Data Management, and WUR Library.

Are you interested in Data Management Research policies? You can find more information on the Datamanagement Support Hub.

An impression of the seminar, 1 December 2016 in Impulse, Wageningen
