
TedEd: Where will you be able to live in 20 years?

October 28, 2021

Educators and experts in the field of climate mobility, Carol Farbotko and Ingrid Boas, bring the challenges of climate mobility to life in this TedEd animation. Along with the increase of extreme weather occurances, there is increasing attention needed to address the challenges that coastal communities face with rising sea levels. How are coastal communities impacted and adapting to climate change?

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The Creators

Educators: Carol Farbotko, Ingrid Boas

Directors: Ouros Animation, Rikke Planeta, Philip Piaget

Narrator: Alexandra Panzer

Storyboard Artist: Rikke Planeta

Animators: Multara Al-Ameri, Martin S. Neukirch

Photo by Linus Nylund on Unsplash