
Workshop Make Visible what matters for indigenous and local communities, 3-5.2.2020

February 3, 2020

Workshop Making the Invisible Visible for the Biodiversity SDGs
Recognizing what Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Value in Indicators for Decision-making and Accountability
3-5.2.2020, Wageningen University

As part of humanity’s efforts to protect nature and improve well-being we adopt (global) goals and use indicators to track (lack of) progress towards them. This does not mean that our ‘measuring’ society captures all – or what really matters. From 3-5 February 19 people from diverse backgrounds and countries will gather at Wageningen University to explore how to ‘Make Visible’ what matters for indigenous and local communities’ over long time horizons. The workshop is led by Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen from the Public Administration and Policy Group in collaboration with colleagues from nine chair groups across four science groups at Wageningen University & Research.

Click here for more information about this research project.