
Do YOU think Gender+ SMART?

June 27, 2022

At Wageningen University and Research (WUR) we value a diverse and inclusive working and learning environment for all students and employees and we strive towards gender+ equality in our institution and impact. Gender+ not only stands for acknowledging gender bias and gender inequalities, but also how this intersects with ethnicity, age, wealth status, religion, sexual orientation, etc.

WUR aims to achieve this gender+ equality with support of the Gender-SMART project and the Diversity and Inclusion team of WUR.

With this campaign in 2022 we invite everyone at WUR to join in sharing what is Gender+ SMART in our research, education, recruitment, career promotion and our work and study environment.

Want to join?

  • Have a conversation with fellow colleagues or students about your understanding of a Gender+ SMART WUR.
  • Become a member of the Diversity & Inclusion group on Intranet.
  • Send your ideas about a Gender+ SMART WUR to

So do YOU think Gender+ SMART? We do!

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