
ELS starts in two new projects NWO practice-oriented research in higher education

June 25, 2020

ELS, in collaboration with the 4TU Centre for Engineering Education, will participate in two approved large-scale NWO projects for practice-oriented research in higher education (July 2020 – December 2023). For both projects, large consortia existing of Dutch universities and universities of applied science were established and will co-create new insights.

The first project focuses on higher education teachers’ learning from innovating their own courses. Perry den Brok will lead this project in collaboration with Jan Vermunt (TU/e). For more information click here

The second project focuses on adaptivity competence, the competence to flexibly respond to rapidly changing working conditions and also co-shape those changes. What learning environments and activities facilitate for the development of adaptive expertise? Carla Oonk will lead one of the work packages of this project, and guide one of the case studies. For more information click here