
Food Law Series - Webinar “Gastronationalism: Why did Europe become indigestible?”

February 7, 2022

In this webinar held on February 2 2022, Dr. Michele A. Fino (University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo) discusses the theme of his book ‘Gastronazionalismo’. To learn more, read the abstract of his book and watch the recording of the webinar below.


‘Gastronazionalismo’ (2021), with A.C. Cecconi and A. Bezzecchi.

Book abstract:

“There is a non-secondary aspect in the contemporary European panorama that is breaking up: food. For almost thirty years, the European Union has adopted a unique policy in the world to protect its specialties, but the reasons have definitely changed over time.

At the beginning it was a necessary measure to avoid the fragmentation of the legal framework, to prevent the race of each country to establish its own rules. Then food became a fundamental piece of the new national identity: one that does not reflect a mosaic of diversity, but that exists in opposition to other real or invented identities, with the sole purpose of affirming one's own ‘petite patrie’. This book proposes a critical re-reading of contemporary Europe in the light of the problems linked to integration and the spread of populist and nationalist phenomena.

The authors highlight the limits that hinder the construction of a common European identity, suggesting a different approach to the concept of origin for a paradigm shift. Because, when we talk about our food, we must always remember that the adjective is not possessive.”

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