Green Young Academy: Towards a climate-proof future for Dutch academia
The Green Young Academie (GrYA) is a national partnership for climate action and initiatives within Dutch academia.
Universities act as role models within society as drivers of the transition to a green future. Currently, Dutch universities are developing various initiatives, but largely independently of one another. This means support and efficiency are lost, the wheel is reinvented all too often, and ambitions are not nearly as high as they could be and indeed should be. This fragmented approach unfortunately generates only fragile public support for implementing changes that are badly needed – and that includes within Dutch academia.
To genuinely meet the climate challenge that faces us, an inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary approach is essential. The Green Young Academy brings together knowledge and expertise from The Young Academy and all the local Young Academies in the Netherlands, has direct links to local university leaders, and can thus boost the impact of climate initiatives.
For more information see:
Our own WYA member Evelien de Olde is also involved in the initiative.