Inauguration of Professor Ciarán Forde
The Executive Board of Wageningen University & Research (WUR) appointed Ciarán Forde as new professor and chair holder of the Sensory Science and Eating Behaviour chair group at Wageningen University & Research in August 2021. Sensory Science and Eating Behaviour is one of the five chair groups of the Department of Human Nutrition and Health. On the 21st of December 2023, Professor Forde gave his inaugural lecture in Omnia on the WUR campus.
In his introduction Rector Magnificus of Wageningen Prof. Arthur Mol praised the impact Professor Forde makes with his research. In his lecture, Professor Forde reflected on his journey to Wageningen and research priorities for the future. After positions at CSIRO in Sydney, Australia and Nestle Research Centre in Lausanne Switzerland, he started his own research group in Singapore in 2014 at A*Star and the National University of Singapore. Prof. Forde made the move to Wageningen during the summer of 2021 to take over from Professor Kees de Graaf, and now leads research and education at the interface of sensory perception and nutrition behaviour.
The goal of the Sensory Science and Eating Behaviour Chair is to connect sensory science and eating behaviour to nutrition and dietary patterns to improve human health across the lifespan.
As Prof. Forde mentioned in his lecture; "Food has no nutritional value until it is chosen, accepted and consumed. Studying sensory science and eating behaviour enables us to better understand the processes that inform our dietary patterns and through this improve health".
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