Information Management: Wageningen Common Data Solutions (WCDS) Mid-Term Evaluation Results
The previous half year, we have conducted a mid-term evaluation of the Wageningen Common Data Solutions (WCDS) program, a two-year investment in developing a user-driven common infrastructure for data management. Using a Theory of Change approach combined with input from various stakeholders such as project leaders, managers and WDCC team members, the evaluation resulted in the following findings and lessons learned.
Key Findings
WCDS has established a foundation for a WUR-wide digital research data management facility. Proof of concepts have been developed, with further investments needed to professionalize the infrastructure. Awareness of research data management and infrastructure has grown among stakeholders.
Lessons Learned
The evaluation identifies important lessons, including:
- Project leaders observed that technically focused projects often necessitated extensive organizational change. Hence, RDM infrastructure development needs not only technical investments, but also organizational ones.
- The costs of data management lie with the researcher, but the benefits lie at an organizational level. Hence, special attention is needed to find direct value and benefits of the efforts made on research data management and infrastructure.
- The commonness of solutions was not always clear, even as the ambitions regarding commonness. The question remains: “what is our WUR wide vision and what are our common goals regarding RDM and infrastructure?”
Next Steps
The results have been discussed with the Ministry of LVVN, recognizing the need for co-creation with users. The results will be delivered to the Ministry in Q1 2025 and will inform the formation of the Digilab TK program, which will start in 2025. Additionally, we are investigating on how the Theory of Change methodology could be of use in the program definition and development of Digilab TK.