
Intention to issue a liberalized lease, Westbergakker location in Wageningen

November 17, 2023

Wageningen University/Wageningen University (WU) intends to issue a plot of land, cadastrally known as municipality of Wageningen section E number 5882, amounting to ha, on a liberalized lease to the municipality of Wageningen.

In the opinion of WU, on the basis of objective, reasonable and verifiable criteria, only one serious candidate is eligible for the lease of the plot of land on the Westberg, namely the municipality of Wageningen. This will allow continued implementation of the Wageningse Berg management plan in order to achieve the anchored nature goals and maintain and/or promote biodiversity for plants and animals in the area.

More information can be found in the appendix. As well as information about how to act, should a party in the market not agree with this intention. An English version of the appendix can be requested by sending an email to