
Invited speaker: Andrew Dickson for the Workshop Quality Assurance for Ocean Acidification monitoring and Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies

November 25, 2024

Invited speaker: Andrew Dickson, professor of marine chemistry in the Marine Physical Laboratory division at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego (UCSD).

Early-Bird Registration DEADLINE: 7th February 2025

A Workshop on Quality Assurance for inorganic carbon system measurements in context of ocean acidification monitoring and marine carbon dioxide removal technologies is organised by WEPAL-QUASIMEME, National Oceanography Centre (NOC), Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) and the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS). The workshop will be hosted by NOC, Southampton, United Kingdom and will take place 18-20 March 2025.

Wepal-Quasimeme Workshop on Quality Assurance for inorganic carbon system measurements in context of ocean acidification monitoring.

Invited Speaker: ANDREW DICKSON (MPL, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Un. California, S.Diego)

Timing and venue: 18-20 March 2025; National Oceanography Centre, Southampton (NOC), United Kingdom (IN-PERSON workshop only)

Who should attend?
The workshop will be beneficial for technicians and scientists working in the field of Ocean Acidification in seawater.

Participants should register before 10th March 2025. Your registration is only complete after payment of the registration fee is received in full. The registration fee includes attendance of the workshop, report of the workshop, coffees, teas, lunches and dinners on two nights.

Early-Bird Registration DEADLINE: 7th February 2025

WEPAL-QUASIMEME quest for quality

Eight years after the first Wepal-Quasimeme Ocean Acidification (OA) workshop in Southampton and after three years of the AQ15 Wepal-Quasimeme intercalibration exercise, it’s time to bring the Ocean Acidification community back together. We also welcome the growing marine carbon dioxide community (mCDR), who are interested in monitoring (MRV) mCDR technologies. Many of the methodologies,
instrumentation, developments and quality control overlap between these issues.

The first OSPAR QSR on OA was published in 2023 but there is still, more than ever before, a need for high quality data (TA, DIC, pH, pCO2) to strengthen all scientific output on OA. OSPAR, as well as other international initiatives such as ICOS, GOA-ON and AMAP, indicate that strong international collaborative monitoring programmes on OA need to continue, to facilitate meaningful data gathering, collation and assessment.

A consistent approach to sampling, sample pre-treatment, analysis, quality control, validation of methods, calculation of derived variables and an understanding of methodological limitations is required; methods should be fit for purpose. Many monitoring agencies, with varying levels of experience are analysing samples for carbonate chemistry parameter on different types of instruments but also using new techniques, as more sensors are installed on buoys or ships, or more automated analysers are set up.

There’s still a gap in availability of CRMs, standards, buffers for quality control and calibrations when analysing marine samples. Worldwide, Scripps reference materials are used for QC or calibration for total alkalinity (TA), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and pH analysis without having a separate way of ensuring that their measurement system is in control and has a calibration with known linearity. Thus, even when reference materials are used there are likely to be unidentified uncertainties showing up on a well-designed proficiency study like the QUASIMEME AQ15.

Aims of the Workshop

  1. To obtain a consistent approach to sampling, sample pre-treatment sample storage across the OSPAR contracting parties and AMAP countries for all four carbonate parameters (TA/DIC/pCO2/pH) and discuss sample preservation alternatives for HgCl2.
  2. Discuss the key analytical techniques for all four carbonate chemistry parameter measurements; challenges, limitations and misconceptions affecting quality of results. The emphasis of the workshop will be on the parameters of TA/DIC/pH since these are likely to progress to the OSPAR CEMP but considerations will also be given to pCO2. Discuss new more automated analytical techniques and measurements with sensors. Can these instruments provide data that obtain the weather or climate goals? Are the methods fit for purpose?
  3. To obtain a consistent approach to the analysis of TA/DIC/pH, and correct use of reference materials/standards across the OSPAR and AMAP regions.
  4. The role of Wepal-Quasimeme exercises in Quality assurance and Quality assessment. What are the results after three years AQ15 intercalibration exercises and what is the way forward?
  5. Consider the limitations of reference materials across the OSPAR and AMAP regions i.e. salinity ranges, open oceans and coastal waters. New initiatives?
  6. Address data quality objectives needed for various assessment purposes. GOAON identified the need for two different levels of data quality to ensure the availability of data and permit assessment of short-term variability as well as longer term trends. To be inline with recent years Accreditation Bodies.

Your contribution and questions
There is room for contributing presentations and posters. For submission of abstracts, see under registration. Send specific questions on analytical issues, to the WEPAL-QUASIMEME Project Office prior to the workshop, together with your registration, to include those in the discussion sessions at the Workshop. Your participation in round table discussions and practical demonstrations are an important part of the workshop.

To submit an abstract or poster please click here


Participants should register before 10th March 2025. Your registration is only complete after payment of the registration fee is received in full. The registration fee includes attendance of the workshop, report of the workshop, coffees, teas, lunches and dinners on two nights.

Registration fees
Early birds (before 07/02/2025) £410.00 (please apply coupon code "Quasimeme 2025 EB")
Standard Registration (between 08/02/2025 - 10/03/2025) £516.00

To register please click here

Organising Committee

  • Helen Findlay (PML, GOA-ON)
  • Amy Kenworthy (PML, GOA-ON)
  • Sue Hartman (NOC)
  • Steven Crum (Wepal-Quasimeme)
  • Célia Bento (Wepal-Quasimeme)
  • Koen Parmentier (RBINS)
  • Marc Knockaert (RBINS)


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