LOESS survey
As part of the ongoing European project LOESS ( European project LOESS), we are deeply engaged in advancing soil health education. In this endeavor, we are distributing a survey in the Netherlands and across Europe.
Our purpose is to receive insights, about the status and wishes of soil education, from educators who are directly or indirectly involved in soil education at any educational level (primary, secondary, tertiary, general public). For this purpose, we would like to invite you to participate in our survey.
Your perspectives are invaluable to us and will play a vital role in shaping the future of soil education in Europe. Below you'll find both English and Dutch descriptions of the survey, along with the respective links for access:
This survey will take approximately 20 minutes.If you cannot complete the questionnaire now, we recommend doing it within the next few days.
Link to the Survey in English:
This survey is part of the European project LOESS. The LOESS project focuses on increasing soil literacy in Europe while engaging multiple actors, stakeholders, and target groups connected to soil education.20 partners from 15 countries are working together to provide an overviewof the current state of soil education at different educational levels in Europe. This survey is carried out among a representative sample of educators across Europe and is distributed via the partners ́ networks. We would like to get an insight into your needs and how we can support you in teaching soil health topics in the future. Based on the results of this survey we will develop teacher education activities as well as teaching programs and materials to promote soil education in Europe and thus enable a responsible interaction with soil-related challenges.
Link to Survey in Dutch:
If your computer settings direct you to the English version of the survey, please navigate to the Dutch version by selecting your preferred language from the small window located in the top right corner (including Dutch)
Dit onderzoek maakt deel uit van het European project LOESS. Het LOESS-project richt zich op het vergroten van de bodemgeletterdheid in Europa en betrekt daarbij meerdere actoren, belanghebbenden en doelgroepen die verbonden zijn met bodemeducatie. 20 partners uit 15 landen werken samen om een overzicht te bieden van de huidige stand van zaken op het gebied van bodemeducatie op verschillende onderwijsniveaus in Europa. Deze enquête wordt uitgevoerd onder een representatieve groep docenten in heel Europa en wordt verspreid via de netwerken van de partners.
Wij willen graag inzicht krijgen in uw behoeften en hoe wij u in de toekomst kunnen ondersteunen bij het onderwijzen van bodemgezondheidsonderwerpen. Op basis van de resultaten van dit onderzoek zullen we lerarenopleidingsactiviteiten ontwikkelen, evenals lesprogramma's en materialen om bodemeducatie in Europa te bevorderen en zo een verantwoorde interactie met bodemgerelateerde uitdagingen mogelijk te maken.
Your participation is highly valued and appreciated.If you're curious to learn more about the project or have any questions about the survey, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We would appreciate it if you could extend this invitation and share the survey with others in your network, helping us reach a broader audience.
Best regards,
Camilla Ramezzano (on behalf of the LOESS WU Team)