Lunch seminar on local food environment, policy integration and coordination
Lunch seminar on local food environment, policy integration and coordination
- part of lunch seminar series on 'local policies for healthy and sustainable food environments'
Date: 15 December 2022
Time: 12:30-13:00 hours
Where: Impulse (Stippeneng 2)
Hosts: Daniel Polman and Jeroen Candel
What can municipalities do to create a healthier and more sustainable food environment? In this seminar hosted by the Public Administration and Policy chair group we invite Leon Meijer (alderman of Municipality Ede) and Lara Sibbing (policy advisor and Wageningen PhD-alumnus) to shine their light on what municipalities are currently doing for a healthy and sustainable food environment, and which future steps they envision.
This seminar is part of series that is organized in order to give a comprehensive overview of the research and societal activities around the local food environment. The interdisciplinarity of Wageningen Centre of Sustainable Governance (WCSG) is captured with presentations from several chair groups and additional outside speakers.
We look forward to seeing you there!