New journals and databases in 2024
This article updates you on the latest Library subscriptions and collection developments. These include national, large-scale read-and-publish (R&P) agreements coordinated by Surf, along with tailored bilateral subscriptions.
New Read and Publish deal Microbiology Society
The Microbiology Society publishes the following six, peer-reviewed journals in virology and microbiology offering research papers, review articles and commentary on topical issues:
- International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology
- Access microbiology
- Journal of general virology
- Journal of medical mircobiology
- Microbial genomics
- Microbiology
The agreement provides unlimited access to the paywalled content in all Microbiology Society journals, including the entire archive.
Corresponding authors affiliated with WUR may immediately publish in open access on the publisher's platform once the article has been accepted, with no transactional Article Processing Charges (APCs). For the publisher, the corresponding author is the author who submits the article to the journal and corresponds with the publisher during the publication process. Only this author can receive the discount. For further details on the 100% APC discount and journal metrics, please consult the WUR Journal browser.
New journals & databases in 2024
The links take you to the WUR Library Search, where you can find more information about the title and the link to the content.
- Afval totaal
- Facto Online
- VMT Online
- The polar Journal
- IEEE Xplore (journals and conference proceedings)
Renewed subscriptions
The Library has renewed 789 subscriptions. These include the following journals, databases and e-book packages:
- 29 journals from the Nature Publishing Group (incl. Nature Food and Nature sustainability)
- CAS SciFinder-n
- SciVal
- CAB Abstracts
- Oxford Scholarship Online: Economics & Finance
- ACS in Focus
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences (Elsevier e-books)
- Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia
- Sage Research Methods
- Ullmann Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry
Renewed Read & Publish deals
WUR’s bilateral R&P deal with the Company of Biologists has been renewed. It now runs from 2024 until 2026. You have reading access to Development, Journal of Cell Science and Journal of Experimental Biology. The publishing part of the deal allows corresponding WUR authors to publish research articles in open access for free in these three journals.
On a national level (SURF), the following Read & Publish deals have been renewed:
- Mary Ann Liebert
- Springer Nature
- Walter De Gruyter
You can see the full overview of all the national Publisher deals here. Consult the WUR Journal browser for more information on the APC discount and journal metrics for each individual journal title from these publishers.
Discontinued subscriptions
The library opted to discontinue the following databases and journal due to high cost but very low usage:
- PsycArticles
- PsycInfo
- JoVE (Journal of Visualised Experiments)
Request a book or article from another library
If you need a book or article that is not in the collection, you can request it from another library. For more information, see Ordering and document delivery.