
Personal, Reflective and Artistic Students’ Initiatives

June 28, 2023

In the course Empowerment for Sustainability (ELS21806) students study worldviews and empowerment processes in the context of socio-ecological challenges. Students also create an initiative of own choosing through which they, in a personal, creative and often artistic manner, engage with their hopes and concerns towards ongoing challenges. In this space, few students bravely share with us their initiative, to support or perhaps inspire further reflection. The course is taught by dr. Valentina Tassone in collaboration with dr. Martijn Duineveld, PhD candidate Daan Buijs, performing artists Anna van Diepen and Suzanne Prak, and guest speakers.

Initiative by student Elettra Giampaoletti

Elettra engaged into the creation of a video: Re-member Eva. Through this artistic expression she wishes to stimulate an empathetic bond between people and nature. In the video, current human society is identified with the metaphor of the astronauts as a glorification of modern rationality. Once they land back on earth, the astronauts feel out of place, alone and lost. Eva (nature on earth) has a severe voice and she will speak to them to make them acknowledge the difficult times we live in. But Eva is a mother and as such her voice is caring and comforting too. The astronauts will take a step back, reconsider their actions and finally are able to re-connect to their mother.

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Initiative by student Yorran Bosma

Yorran shares his reflections about humanity living on a planet that can no longer sustain its never-ending growth, and how he found meaning in sustainability despite a lack of faith in humanity. In this video essays, he bravely communicate his thoughts and experiences. His reflections are inspired, among others, by the American poet Charles Bukowski where a focus of the video essay is put on his words “Humanity, you never had it from the beginning”. Yorran expresses his lack of faith in humanity as a whole, and worries about the state of our planet. Such reflection, however, enabled Yorran to find meaning in sustainability, to experience a renewed sense of responsibility and personal purpose in life.

Watch the video by clicking the link below:

Finding meaning in sustainability - YouTube

Valentina project.PNG

Initiative by student Tessa Stroeken

Tessa has created a song, “There is fire”, representing a call for action. Through her song and related video, Tessa would like to express her concern for the ongoing socio-ecological degradation. The first sentence: “there is fire in the sea”, is an analogy for the climate crisis that is almost too big to comprehend and to consider possible, like a fire in the sea as something not possible or hard to imagine. After this, the song sketches other “fires” in the world that the human society should deal with. On the other hand, Tessa is also providing a message of hope and inviting towards communication and action for more regenerative futures.

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View lyrics

There is fire

In the sea

Though you would think

How could that be


There is fire


Instead of flowers growing

Flames are mowing the trees


Save the future

You would say

But the government won’t

Think of it that way


There are people

That won’t survive

When the sea is rising

Far above their height


There are children

In this world

Who fear their dreams

Won’t be fulfilled


Save the future

You would say

But only a wish

won’t get us all that way


There is fear

Hanging in the air

Climate anxiety

Is the new fair


A good solution

Won’t be found

With just a little bit of

debating around


Save the future

You would think

Lets get all together

And find the missing link


We are hoping

To survive

So get together

We just have to thrive


A bit of fighting

That will do

So scream it out

You know what to do


Save the future

You would say

Time is up

Just listen what we say