
Project Evaluation Bring Your Own Device 2022 – 2023

December 22, 2022

Recently, the WUR internal project “Evaluation Bring Your Own Device 2022 – 2023” was approved.

This project will be carried out by Kazem Banihashem, Harm Biemans, Omid Noroozi, and Perry den Brok and builds on an earlier BYOD evaluation in 2019. The main idea behind BYOD is to allow students to use their own laptop in education to enable them to study more independent of place and time. Focus of this second evaluation is on teachers’ perceptions of and experiences with BYOD in WUR education. Has education become more flexible for students and teachers, and, if so, how? Has BYOD influenced teaching methods, and, if so, how? Has BYOD influenced students’ learning performance and motivation? And, finally, has BYOD influenced teachers in their activities and motivation and what are the lessons learned by teachers, individually and as a group? Data will be collected in the periods 5 and 6 in 2023 through an online teacher survey and focus group discussions. The focus group discussions aim to provide more insight in the underlying motives, argumentations, and considerations of the teachers. Conclusions will be drawn with respect to the added value of BYOD for WUR education and recommendations for further implementation will be formulated.