Promoting the conservation and use of livestock diversity in Europe
Implementation of a communication strategy, further development and professionalization of the European Gene Bank Network (EUGENA), and development of guidelines for transboundary breed conservation strategies. Those were the key topics discussed in a fruitful meeting of the European Regional Focal Point for Animal Genetic Resources.
The European Regional Focal Point for Animal Genetic Resources (ERFP) is the regional platform to support the in situ and ex situ conservation and sustainable use of animal genetic resources (AnGR) and to facilitate the implementation of FAO’s Global Plan of Action for AnGR. Since 2001, ERFP facilitates the collaboration, coordination of work and exchange of information and experience between different European countries and governmental and non-governmental organisations.
Role of CGN
CGN represents the government of the Netherlands in the ERFP network. CGN staff contribute to the different ERFP Working Groups (Ex Situ, In situ Conservation and Valorization, Documentation and Information).
The ERFP network also benefits from and contributes to important EU Horizon 2020 projects. Outcomes of the IMAGE project (Innovative Management of Animal Genetic Resources) were presented and discussed with the ERFP network in order to secure the legacy of this important scientific research project.
Linking crop, forest and animal genetic resources
Moreover, the EU Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action GenRes Bridge project (Joining forces for genetic resources and biodiversity management) aims to develop an integrated genetic resources and agrobiodiversity strategy in Europe, and to increase the effectiveness of sustainable management of crop, forest and animal genetic resources. The ERFP network contributes to the project activities, and GenResBridge is expected to result in improved strategies to safeguard farm animal genetic diversity in Europe.
The meeting , from May 21st till May 24th, in Madrid, Spain, was organised by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture.