
Research data management: tools & services

November 4, 2022

Good management of research data lays the foundation for a successful research project. Find tools, information, and services for every phase of your research project on the recently updated RDM portal.

What is RDM?

Research data management (RDM) is about the correct handling, storing, documenting, preserving, sharing and legal care of research data, using the FAIR principles as a guide. Applying good data management practices helps to prevent data from becoming unfindable, unusable or even lost. We have recently updated the RDM portal to reflect new developments in data management practices, data stewardship and funder policies.

What to find at the RDM portal?

The portal provides you with information and tools for data management throughout the research cycle:

Data Desk

Research Data Management experts from the WDCC and WUR Library can offer individual support. If you have any further questions or if you need assistance, please email the Data Desk.

RDM support team