
Search tip: Altmetrics

July 2, 2020

A lot of research publications are being shared, discussed, reviewed, rated, recommended and read online. These (online) mentions provide complementary information on publications, gathered for you by companies like Plum Analytics and Altmetric.

What are altmetrics?

Altmetrics track online engagement and impact of research. It provides quantitative data and numbers that can point highlight interesting trends in types of online attention (Altmetric, n.d.). To learn more about altmetrics, click here.

You can also watch the video a beginner's guide to altmetrics (2.59). The video gives a brief introduction to altmetrics.

Altmetrics in Research@WUR

Not only can Altmetric showcase the ground breakers in a certain field of research, you can also discover the online impact of your teacher’s publications. To do this, go to and search for your teachers. Check out their Research Output and look for the Altmetric donut on the right side.

A good example is Marcel Dicke’s third publication with an altmetric score of 1221.

Altmetric Explorer

Wageningen University & Research recently licensed Altmetric Explorer. This is a tool that easily lets you search for the Altmetrics of any publication. Interested in how to use this tool? Read more in our previous tool tip on using Altmetric Explorer.