SSG Dialogue on system transition
By now, everyone is using the word "transition", even when it comes to small steps towards a more sustainable and resilient world. But what does transition really mean? And how can we better combine and utilise the knowledge available within SSG on transitions? For some time now, a theme group with initiators within SSG has been discussing this. They are one of the theme groups working on the realisation of the 'SSG contribution to the WUR strategic plan'.
On Thursday, June 8, the first of a series of discussions about this took place in the Leeuwenborch, with other SSG colleagues. Over thirty motivated employees found their way to the lecture hall. "What binds us?", initiator Miranda Meuwissen asked the audience. She also presented a preliminary definition of transition that the working group considered: "A transition or transformation of a system is about major changes, in internal structures, in feedback mechanisms and, or, in the functions of the system."
Bart de Steenhuijsen Piters, a member of the working group on behalf of WEcR, made an appeal: "There is a need for a place, a school perhaps, where this socioeconomic knowledge of transitions comes together within WUR." Sigrid Wertheim-Heck also stressed that there is a lot of knowledge at SSG on the question of HOW we are going to achieve the desired change in our agricultural and food system and that this knowledge could be much better utilized.
Very quickly the audience in attendance developed a great motivation to share knowledge and experiences on this theme, to contribute expertise in order to really work together on a systemic transition. And thus to form a network of people who would like to use the socio-economic knowledge and experience. A warm bath of motivation and a place to meet other transition thinkers, that was the first outcome for the time being. After the summer the dialogue will continue, both within WUR and with external stakeholders.
The theme group consists of: Herman Brouwer (WCDI), Likoko Eunice (WCDI), Anne-Charlotte Hoes (WEcR), Miranda Meuwissen (DSS-BEC), Bart de Steenhuijsen Piters (WEcR), Sigrid Wertheim-Heck (DSS-ENP) Do you also want to join this upcoming network? Contact Miranda.meuwissen@wur.nl