Student Challenges let you contribute to a better world
As a student in Wageningen you probably have a certain mindset: you want to make the world a little better. You might be doing so in your future job, but you can also contribute now to our Wageningen goal: To explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life.
We regularly organise student challenges in which we challenge you to come up with innovative ideas and solutions now. For example, as in the ReThink Protein Challenge '2.
We regularly organise student challenges in which we challenge you to come up with innovative ideas and solutions now. For example, as in the ReThink Protein Challenge '2.
We are still overwhelmed how much it changed our lives in such a short time. The chances offered to students all around the world through the competition are unique and truly amazing.
ReThink Protein Challenge'2
In January 2021, no fewer than 49 teams from 41 universities in 18 countries (and from 5 continents) applied for this competition. The challenge: come up with a business idea or prototype that helps provide enough protein to 9 billion people in a way that is healthy, affordable and good for our planet.
Curious what ideas the participants have? Then check out the ReThink Protein website. On 3 June, the three finalists will be announced during an episode of the Protein Shift Series. These three will compete to win the grand final on 25 June.
“You see the enthusiasm of the students. It is a new way of doing education!
Not only good for the world, but also good for you
As a participant, you will not only help to develop actual solutions to ensure that everyone in the world gets enough protein, you will also have access to coaches from the business community and the academic world. They can help you develop your idea. Besides being good for the world, participating in these kinds of challenges can also give your career a boost. This is true for all student challenges.
The coaches from various companies have helped me a lot.