
The future of seed tuber multiplication in 2030

March 13, 2019

Hybrid breeding in potato is an innovation which might cause controversial changes for the Dutch seed tuber multiplication sector. The POTAREI research program, led by CSA, studies the potential socio-technical and agro-ecological changes for the Dutch potato sector. The agronomic research, which studies the potential of hybrid true potato seeds, is conducted by PhD candidate Luuk van Dijk.

For that reason, Luuk was invited to share his insights during a theme day organized by the Pootaardappelacademie Groningen (Seed Tuber Academy Groningen) last February. Together with POTAREI social scientist Dirk Stemerding, and representatives from the seed tuber trading and breeding companies Agrico, HZPC and Bejo seeds, he shared his prospect for seed tuber multiplication in 2030.

Nieuwe Oogst, the largest newspaper in the Netherlands on agriculture, wrote an interesting article about the given talks at the seed tuber multiplication theme day.

Article Nieuwe Oogst (in Dutch)