Brightspace: Your Online Learning Environment
All courses are available in Brightspace.
Brightspace is the learning environment in which you will find all the information for your studies. It is suitable for laptop, desktop, mobile and tablet. Brightspace is practical, easy to use and adaptable to personal wishes.
Frequently asked questions
This is where you can find the frequently asked questions on Brightspace. If you cannot find your question here or if you need support, please consult the Brightspace Help for Students page via the Help option in Brightspace or send an e-mail to the Helpdesk. You can also call the Brightspace Helpdesk (+31 317 486222).
How do I get access to the Brightspace course?
If you select the course in question via myWURtoday, you will be automatically directed to the Brightspace course. Read more on how to open Brightspace in the myWURtoday app in the Brightspace manual for students.
Will Brightspace work on every browser?
Not all browsers are (fully) supported. You can find an overview of support browsers on the Brightspace community.
Is there also a Dutch version of Brightspace available?
At Wageningen University & Research we use the English version of Brightspace. You can change the language to Dutch but that will only affect the Brightspace menu text and not the course information. Moreover, the user guides and instructions are only available in English.
Are there any user guides for Brightspace?
You can find the user guides for Brightspace via the Brightspace Help for Students page, which is also accessible from the Brightspace Help option.
What is the policy regarding grades in Brightspace?
The final grade or partial grades can be communicated via the gradebook tool in Brightspace. The only formal source for final grades in Osiris.
What is the Pulse app?
The supplier of Brightspace has also made an app available to Brightspace users. The app is called ‘Pulse’ and can be downloaded from ‘Google play’ or the ‘App store’. The Pulse app can be downloaded for free and is available for use. Read more about the pulse app on our Brightspace for Students page.
How does WUR handle the processing of personal data within Brightspace?
Brightspace technically meets the standards and criteria drawn up by WUR in the field of security. You can download our privacy statement to read more on how WUR handles the processing of personal data within Brightspace.