On this website you can find all information about graduation from Wageningen University & Research.
Graduation process
1. Osiris automatically determines when you have fulfilled the minimum requirements of the final examination for your study programme to potentially graduate.
2. You will receive an automatically generated e-mail about your potential graduation. The graduation process will start.
3. If you do not want to graduate yet, for example because you have not yet completed all your elective courses, you need to postpone your graduation within 3 working days with exception of July and August. Please continue reading to find out how to arrange this. In this case your graduation will not be processed by the Examining Board. If you already know that you have to postpone your graduation, you can send an e-mail to ssc@wur.nl.
4. Your graduation will be processed by the Examining Board. Around the 15th of the next month the Examining Board will make your graduation official and determine if the examination was passed with distinction (cum laude). SSC will inform you by e-mail on your private e-mail address. If your final grade is registered in Osiris AFTER the last day of the month in which you passed your final exam your graduation will be processed by the examining board in the subsequent month.
5. Important: Termination of enrolment via Studielink
It is important to submit your request for termination of enrolment via Studielink, at the latest in the month that you have fulfilled all the requirements of the final examination for your study programme (see point 1). Choose "graduation" as the reason of termination of your enrolment in Studielink. Please submit the request before the last day of the month in which you have completed the final requirement, even if your final grade is not yet registered in Osiris.
You do not need to wait for your last grade to be registered, because your request for termination of enrolment will not be processed in case you have not graduated for some reason.
You can find more information on this page.
What is your graduation date?
- If your last grade is a regular course and you have approved electives*, your graduation date is the last Friday of the relevant exam period**. In order to get a possible refund of your tuition fee please be aware of the conditions for termination of enrolment.
- If your last grade is not a regular course, for example a Thesis or Internship and you have approved electives, your graduation date is the date that you have completed every element. This means:
· If you have completed all parts on the date of the final interview, the date of the final interview will be your graduation date
· If you submit the last part later than the final interview, the submission date of the last part will be your graduation date
In order to get a possible refund of your tuition fee please be aware of the conditions for termination of enrolment.
- If all your grades are registered but you do not have approved electives*, your graduation date is the date that your study programme will be approved.
* If your study programme does not contain any electives you do still have to arrange approval!
** If your final grade is registered in Osiris AFTER the last day of the month in which you passed your final exam your graduation will be processed by the examining board in the subsequent month.
Graduation ceremonies
You can find the schedule of the BSc and MSc ceremonies on this page.
The diploma will only be awarded to students if all financial obligations towards the university have been fulfilled.
SSC informs graduated BSc students per e-mail in which ceremony you can participate or in which alternative way you can receive your diploma.
For MSc graduates a case MSc Graduation Ceremony will be started in Osiris Student. You need to submit the case to be able to participate in a ceremony. If you fill in that you don’t want to participate in a ceremony, you will receive an e-mail about receiving your diploma.
If you participate in a BSc ceremony you can bring a maximum of 4 guests. If you participate in a MSc ceremony you can bring a maximum of 6 guests.
Postponing your graduation
Osiris determines when you have fulfilled all the requirements of the final examination for your study programme and will start the graduation procedure automatically, usually when you have achieved 180 ECTS for the Bachelor programme or 120 ECTS for the Master programme.
If you do not want to graduate at that moment, you need to postpone your graduation. This only applies to you if you are planning to complete more than 180 ECTS in the Bachelor programme and 120 ECTS for the Master programme and you are planning to complete those extra courses AFTER you have met all the specific requirements of your study programme. You can check this on your Study Progress Overview, if the summary of progress shows Yes in every category.
Study programme | Minimum of credits to be obtained | Credits obtained | Passed |
Basic programme | 180.0 | 181.0 | Yes |
Total | 180.0 | 181.0 | Yes |
Please check which situation applies to you in this scheme.
If you hesitate whether you need to postpone your graduation, please contact SSC.
Postponing your graduation within 3 working days, with exception of July and August
As soon as you know that you have to postpone your graduation, you can e-mail ssc@wur.nl.
After you have received the potentially graduated e-mail you need to postpone your graduation within 3 working days. Please include in your e-mail for which study programme you want to postpone your graduation. Your graduation will not be processed by the Examining Board.
In July and August you need to postpone your graduation on the same day as you have received the Potentially Graduated e-mail. If you know beforehand that you have to postpone your graduation, it is better to do this shortly.
Please note! When you postpone your graduation you are responsible for the graduation request when you do want to graduate! If this graduation request will be in the next academic year, you need to be (re-)enrolled for your study programme. You cannot graduate without a valid enrolment!
At the moment you want to graduate, you can send an e-mail to ssc@wur.nl
Your official graduation date will be the date that you send the e-mail. This means that when you send the e-mail that you want to graduate, you need to pay tuition fee for this month.