There are several types of insurance that you should consider when studying and living in Wageningen. See their coverage and what to do when you get a job or a paid internship in the Netherlands.
Healthcare Insurance
Non-Dutch students must be adequately insured for medical expenses while staying in the Netherlands. This will be checked by the registration officials when you apply for a residence permit.
European Health Insurance Card
The Netherlands has treaties regarding health insurance with all EU member states, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey, Morocco, most of the countries of former Yugoslavia, Tunisia, Cape Verde Islands and Australia.
If you are insured under the national health insurance scheme of one of these countries, your insurance company can provide you with a European Health Insurance Card or an international declaration form (E-111 or E-128). Make sure you bring this card or form with you to the Netherlands, and make a number of copies. You will need the card/form to see a doctor.
When to take out Private Insurance?
If your insurance does not cover your stay in the Netherlands and you cannot make use of the international treaty described above, you will have to take out private insurance. Special policies are available for international students.
The Student Service Centre can assist in arranging medical insurance (including liability) on arrival in Wageningen, but you can also arrange your medical and liability insurance in advance.
We advise you to check the coverage carefully for the following:
- medical expenses
- emergency dental expenses
- accidental death and dismemberment
- individual liability for damage caused to others (Aansprakelijkheid voor particulieren verzekering)
- personal property (loss of household contents or baggage due to e.g. theft or fire)
- S.O.S. assistance: cost of repatriation due to serious illness or death, if not included in the health insurance or travel insurance
The insurance, ICS certificate, is offered by AON Consultants. For conditions and extent of coverage please click here. The student is of course free to take out any other private healthcare insurance.
Important! Liability Insurance
International students who have their own health insurance (other than the AON insurance offered by Wageningen University) are strongly advised to purchase liability insurance as a simple accident can easily cost you hundreds of euros in the Netherlands. This insurance can be bought with AON and costs around €40,- a year.
Collective Travel Insurance
Students participating in internships, exchange and/or conducting thesis work abroad as part of their study programme at the University are covered by the collective travel insurance of Wageningen University & Research. The costs of this travel insurance are paid for by Wageningen University & Research. The travel insurance is in force as long as the travel duration is not longer than 365 days and the students are enrolled at WUR as students. The general terms and conditions for this insurance are available here:
Healthcare Insurance during a paid internship or job
A Dutch Basic Health Insurance (DBHI) is obliged
- if you have a side-job, or...
- an internship that pays more than the minimum wage. In case that pays less than the minimum wage your AON Student insurance is sufficient.
The minimum wage can be checked on this website: Amount of the minimum wage | Minimum wage | Government.nl
Should you fail to take out the DBHI, you risk a fine of at least around € 485.00, imposed by CAK (Centraal Administratie Kantoor). This is the organisation that checks whether a student has a DBHI or not.
You may choose to apply for a DBHI at any insurance company, but you have to do that yourself. A list of insurance companies can be found on this website: Zorgwijzer. Unfortunately, this information is only available in Dutch.
It is advised to choose a company where you can easily terminate the insurance upon ending your side job or internship during the calendar year and switch back to student insurance. This service is offered by AON-Student Insurance for sure.
If your student insurance has been taken out at AON by the university, please submit your request for termination to ssc@wur.nl.
You can find out which situation applies to you in the CAK Flowchart (aon.nl).