Enrol for courses and tests in Osiris
Enrol for courses and tests in Osiris
Enrolment is compulsory for all courses!
- A student who enrols for a course is automatically signed up for all its modes of instruction as well as the assessment(s);
- Students can enroll for the entire academic year via Osiris, starting from June 1st prior to the start of the academic year. Enrolment deadlines are listed in the calendar of the academic year;
- Students can enroll for a maximum of 15 ECTS per period. Anyone who wishes to enrol for more than 15 ECTS should contact the relevant course coordinator. The course coordinator will (have the secretariat) register the student in the course when this contact is made before the registration deadline;
- Students can enroll for a resit even when they have not received their final result yet. When they pass the course, the resit registration will automatically be removed;
- Enrolment for courses with maximum numbers of participants closes earlier (one week before the regular enrolment deadline), so that students who are not admitted still have time to enrol for another course instead. Students who enrol for such courses will automatically be put on the waiting list. Students will always be admitted to courses that are compulsory for them in the common part, specialisation or pre-master of their programme. Students for whom the course is a limited choice course will be given preference over other interested students. Among students who do not have priority, odds are drawn to determine who can participate in the course. Students who enrol after the deadline, but before the deadline of regular courses, will be added to the waiting list. However, they will not be given preference, even if the course is compulsory for them and serves as an elective for a student who did enrol in time. They are therefore not included in the draw.
- Some courses have an earlier registration deadline. This is indicated with the course in the course catalogue.
- First-year BSc students will automatically be enrolled for courses in the first term of their first year of study. After this, they will have to enrol themselves.
- After the deadline, students will only be able to gain admission to courses upon the approval of the relevant course coordinator. The course coordinator can refuse such a request. When approved, the course coordinator will arrange the enrolment through the chair group secretariat.
- Osiris also provides access to the PlanApp, which you can use to draw up your study plan for the whole duration of your programme. You will, however, still have to enrol for the courses and tests.
Tests and resits
- Enrolment deadlines for test and resits are listed in the academic year calendar. Dates of the resits are listed in the detailed schedule for each course on TimeEdit. and more general in the course catalogue
- Students can enrol for taking the test of a course, or withdraw their test enrolment, until the registration deadline. Students can withdraw for an exam in period 1, 2, 5 and 6 until three weeks after the start of the period. In period 3 and 4 withdrawal is possible until the middle of the period.
- Students cannot withdraw their test enrolment after the deadline – instead, they will be awarded the result ‘No Grade’.
- Without a registration prior to the deadline, the student can not participate in the test or resit. In a situation of force majeur, the course coordinator can decide to admit the student to the test or resit.