Student Charter 2016-2017
The Student Charter 2016-2017 comprises the rights and obligations of Wageningen University students. These rights and obligations are based on Wageningen University regulations, but also on legislation that applies to students at all Dutch universities.
The Executive Board is responsible for the charter and takes care of it's yearly update, if necessary. Possible urgent changes will be made known to students via Resource and My Portal. The Student Charter is published on the website of Wageningen University, in both Dutch and English..
Rights may be derived directly from the charter, with the exception of the passages which, despite our best efforts, are in conflict with legislation.
The charter consists of two parts: a programme specific part and an institutional part. The programme specific part, dealing with the structure and courses of each programme, may be found in the Study Handbook. The institutional part of the charter consists of the regulations mentioned on this page.
The Student Charter is decided upon by the Executive Board after approval of the Student Council.
Wageningen University organisation
Will be published soon.
Education and research
Education and Examination Regulations Wageningen University 2016-2017 (general part) | All programmes are based on the education framework of the university. |
Rules and Regulations of the Examining Boards of Wageningen University | Rules and regulations for examinations in the bachelors and and masters programmes Wageningen University; role and responsiblities examining boards. |
Code of Conduct Foreign Languages | Guidelines regarding the use of foreign languages in Wageningen University education. |
Code of Conduct Scientific Practice | Rules which everyone involved in Wageningen University research (students and staff), is bound by. |
Guidelines for working in Multicultural Settings | Wageningen University & Research guidelines about how people should interact in an international, multicultural organisation. |
Education and Examination Regulations BTO | Rules for education and examinations in the bachelor programme Tourims (Joint Degree). Programme specific information about education and examinations BTO may be found in the Study Handbook. |
Rules and Regulations of the Examining Board BTO (will be published soon) | Rules and guidelines for examinations in the bachelor programme Tourism (Joint degree), role and responsiblities examining board. |
Education and Examination Regulations MWT | Rules for education and examinations in the master programme Water Technology (Joint Degree). Programme specific information about education and examinations MWT may be found in the Study Handbook. |
Rules and Regulations Examining Board MWT | Rules and Regulations of the Examining Board of the Joint Degree Master programme MSc Water Technology. |
Student facilities and study supervision
Student Facilities | Description of the student facilities, different from education facilities. |
Study Supervision and Student Counselling | Description of the study supervision and student counselling facilities. |
Studying with a Functional Limitation | Description of the support for students with a functional limitation. |
Financial regulations
Regulation WU contribution to student's expenses | Regulation about what expenses of students are for the account of the university and what expenses are for the account of students themselves. |
Profiling Fund | Fund combining a number of financial support regulations: 1) Student Financial Support Regulation (FOS), 2) WU study financing for students in Social Sciences master programmes, 3) Study Grants for non-EER students, 4) Social Emergency Fund. |
Regulation Vaccination and Travel Funding | Regulation for the funding of vaccination and travel costst retaled to minors, internships and theses abroad. |
Rights, obligations and legal protection students
Regulations for enrolment | Rights and obligations of Wageningen University students, enrolled 'as a student' or 'as an extraneus'. |
Regulations for enrolment (non-regular) | Rights and obligations of Wageningen University students, enrolled different from 'as a student' or 'as an extraneus'. |
Legal protection students | Regulations and procedures on legal protection for students. Important in case a student does not agree with a decision or the behaviour of a department or employee of the University. Here you can find more information about how to submit an objection, appeal or complaint, as well as paragraphs about privacy, working conditions, the use of the WUR-network, the confidential advisor for students, copyright and disciplinary measures. Students can submit an objection, appeal or complaint via this webpage. |
Protection of Personal Data regulations | Regulations in which the university explains how personal data are protected. |
Network regulations | Code of behaviour for the use of Wageningen UR network facilities. |
Regulations for Camera Surveillance | Regulations concerning the use of surveillance cameras at Wageningen UR. |