dr. AM (Alexandra) Rijke

dr. AM (Alexandra) Rijke


I am a lecturer at the Cultural Geography group, predominately involved in the Bachelor Landschapsarchitectuur en Planning. In my courses I focus on using critical social theory to assess (urban) design and planning. Examples are lectures on the occurrence of sexism and racism in the use and design of urban spaces, critical assessments of the use of maps and concepts such as ‘landscape’ and 'heritage', border fortifications and the occurrence of different regimes of mobilities in specific places. In my teaching, I try to stimulate students to think independently, critically and reflectively. I do this through the introduction of ideas of several critical theorists, but also through the use of interactive teaching methods.

Furthermore, I am affiliated with the project '"The Game: Counter-mapping Informal Refugee Mobilities along the Balkan Route". This project is aiming at understanding how informal migration corridors such as the Balkan Route work. In this project, I study the border walls present in the Balkans. I focus on the development and functioning of these walls and their affiliated bordering practices and how people, migrants and local inhabitants, are affected by and engage with them.

Please see: https://research.wur.nl/en/persons/alexandra-rijke