AI (Aniekan) Ukpe

AI (Aniekan) Ukpe


Aniekan’s research focuses on questions around the trade and development debate, including, how to frame WTO rules to better take into account the special circumstances of developing countries and ensure that these countries are able to benefit from trade liberalization. His research interests include WTO law, trade and development, public international law, international humanitarian law, mining and development and arbitration and dispute settlement.

Aniekan is a lawyer and international trade professsional, with broad experience in supporting government institutions in Nigeria and the ECOWAS Commission on WTO law, trade policy issues and trade facilitation. He has published papers in a number of reputable international journals, including the Journal of African Law, African Journal of International and Comparative Law, Manchester Journal of International Economic Law and the Dundee Year Book of Natural Resources & Energy Law & Policy.

Aniekan has successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled, "Differentiated differentiation: Using progressive regulation as a framework for special and differential treatment in the WTO".