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Projects - EJ (Ellen) van Loo
Meal Clicks: tracking consumer preferences and demand for online meals ordering
Much of the current literature on food demand, preferences, and consumption habits focuses on food prepared at home, although food prepared away from... -
Socio-technical decision support systems for sustainable and healthy food choices in online shopping
Socio-technical decision support systems for sustainable and healthy food choices in online shopping - WUR Project Socio-technical decision support... -
Transparent, healthy & sustainable
In a joint research project Wageningen University and the University of Groningen and work together with leading Dutch retailers on understanding what... -
Digital Twins: Me, My Diet and I
“Me, My Diet and I” is a multidisciplinary WUR-funded project led by dr. ir Lydia Afman and is part of the Strategic Investment Theme... -
Transparently healthy & sustainable
Transparently healthy & sustainable - WUR Project Transparently healthy & sustainable In a joint research project Wageningen University and... -
Food Waste: Transition from Excess to Enough
Food Waste: Transition from Excess to Enough - WUR Project Food Waste: Transition from Excess to Enough The project “Food Waste: from Excess to... -
Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice - WUR Project Pride and Prejudice Physical activity and diet are two key factors for a healthy lifestyle. Both are not only...