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Projects - FK (Frits) van Evert
Digital Twin Strokenteelt
Digital Twin Strokenteelt - WUR Project Digital Twin Strokenteelt Publications Digital Twins voor akkerbouw en melkveehouderij van Evert, Frits (2022)... -
Digital Twin Strokenteelt
Digital Twin Strokenteelt - WUR Project Digital Twin Strokenteelt Dutch agriculture is facing an increasingly urgent sustainability problem. A switch... -
ANTARES - WUR Project ANTARES The aim of ANTARES is to develop the BioSense Institute of the University of Novi Sad (Serbia) into a “Center of... -
ROBS4CROPS - WUR Project ROBS4CROPS Robots are replacing labor in various sectors of the economy, but robots are not yet widely used in agriculture.... -
New EU project Robs4Crops accelerates shift towards robotics
From farming controllers and smart implements to fully autonomous farming systems, Robs4Crops (a new project) is helping farmers fill labour shortages... -
ANTARES: advanced technologies for sustainable agriculture and food security
ANTARES is a 2nd phase Teaming project in Horizon 2020, in which Wageningen University & Research and the Serbian institute BioSense will develop... -
Smart-AKIS - smart farming for agricultural businesses
Smart Farming Technology: smart information and communication technology for agricultural businesses. Much of this technology is also suitable for...