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Publications - G (Giulia) Salvini
Core Publications
Enhancing digital transformation towards virtual supply chains: a simulation game for Dutch floriculture
Production Planning & Control -
Roles and drivers of agribusiness shaping Climate-Smart Landscapes
Journal of sustainable development -
REDD+ and Climate Smart Agriculture in landscapes: A case study in Vietnam using companion modeling
Journal of Environmental Management, in press -
Role-Playing-Game as a tool to facilitate social learning and collective action towards Climate-Smart-Agriculture: Lessons learned from Apuí, Brazil
Journal of Environmental Policy -
How countries link REDD+ interventions to drivers in their readiness plans: implications for monitoring systems
Environmental Research Letters -
The role of risk perception in making flood risk management more effective
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci -
Incorporate adaptation into a broader approach to make areas resilient
In handbook: Forms for Adapting to Climate change through Territorial Strategies (FACTS project) -
Communities Growing Resilient Towards 2020
FACTS! Project report