JR (Jan) Starke MSc
Externe medewerkerJan Starke holds a B.A degree in Political Sciences and Law from Münster University (Germany) (2014), an M.Sc degree in Sustainable Development: Environmental Governance from Utrecht University (2017, cum laude) and an LL.M degree in Sustainability Law: Energy, Resources & Environment from Leuphana Professional School Lüneburg (Germany). After working as Head Quality Management in a chemical-technical laboratory, he started a PhD project at Wageningen University & Research within the Horizon2020 AgRefine project on next-generation bioeconomy research.
His research deals with controversies on the bio-based transition, specifically regarding next-generation biorefinery technology. The development of innovative biorefinery technologies inherently challenges existing policies and legal frameworks, and triggers societal controversies due to uncertainties, conflicting frames, or poor stakeholder involvement. The project aims at analyzing controversy mechanisms, policy and legal framework mismatches and aspires to design suitable policy frameworks including stakeholder participation.
Contact: jan.starke@wur.nl