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Projects - JL (Johan) van Leeuwen
Development of new stimulation techniques for flatfish trawling
Sole Solea Plaice Pleuronectes flatfish trawl fishing North Sea disturbing sediment seabed disturbance benthic ecosystem behaviour tickler chain... -
Biomechanics of adhesion in wet and structured environments
gripping complex environments, inside of the human body, crop fields, agriculture soft tissues, thin membranes, brittle bones, textured surfaces,... -
Developmental biomechanics of axial muscle structure and activity patterns in larval zebrafish
How do larval fish use muscles swim fish start swimming optimally coordinate muscles evade predators larval swimming how axial muscles power different... -
Biological models for soft robots
Conventional industrial robots are precise and fast, but also rigid. In applications such as the handling of delicate agricultural goods, tissue grip... -
Wind gust mitigation in bumblebees and blowflies
nimble as a bee bio-inspired sensory-motor system for gust control of Micro Air Vehicles -
Visual system of bumblebees
Visual system of bumblebees - WUR Project Visual system of bumblebees We study the visual system of bumblebees. How do bumblebees depend on their... -
Modelling the effects of electrical pulse stimulation on marine fishes and invertebrates
We study the effects of electrical pulse stimulation on various marine organisms in the context of electric pulse bottom trawl fisheries. -
Secure and Gentle Grip of Delicate Biological Tissues
In current laparoscopic surgery, surgeons rely on mechanical tools (e.g. pincers and graspers) to handle the patient’s organs. These tools can...