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Projects - J (Joost) Blankestijn
Call for partners | SMARTGRAINS - Functionality-driven Fermentations of Wholegrains for Wholesome Staple Foods with AI Integration
Over 800 million people worldwide suffer from undernutrition while over 2 billion are overweight or obese. Across both the Global North and South 3-4... -
Call for Partners | tAIstify: Leveraging AI to create tasty, healthy & sustainable foods
New plant-based alternatives for meat products pose novel challenges for product quality and shelf life. At Wageningen Food & Biobased Research,... -
Call for Partners | SNACKSENSE: Innovative design of food structures for enhanced sensory reward from healthy snacking
New plant-based alternatives for meat products pose novel challenges for product quality and shelf life. At Wageningen Food & Biobased Research,... -
Call for Partners | Replicator: generating reaction flavours of plant-based foods upon heating
New plant-based alternatives for meat products pose novel challenges for product quality and shelf life. At Wageningen Food & Biobased Research,... -
Call for Partners | SHIELT – Shelf life 4 plant-based alternatives
New plant-based alternatives for meat products pose novel challenges for product quality and shelf life. At Wageningen Food & Biobased Research,... -
Follow-up project ‘Action team improving product composition’
In this follow-up project, SMEs are supported in improving product compositions with practical technological knowledge as well as relevant insights... -
Multiple reformulation from ingredient to consumer
The food industry is challenged to develop healthier food concepts, usually using a reformulation by gradually reducing the salt and sugar content....