dr. KG (Katell) Hamon

dr. KG (Katell) Hamon

Senior Scientist fishery economics and behaviour

Katell Hamon is a marine scientist, working as a researcher at Wageningen Economic Research since 2011. She is STECF member since 2022 and an associate editor of the scientific journals Aquatic Living Resource and Scientia Marina. Between 2021 and 2023, she was chair of the ICES strategic initiative on the Human dimension (SIHD), and between 2017 and 2020 a member of the Wageningen Living Lab on behavioural change.

Katell developed bio-economic models of fisheries to perform impact evaluations and is currently focussing on human behaviour and how fishers make decisions and what influences those.

The integration of disciplines and expertise has been driving her career. Katell holds a MSc in fisheries science (Agrocampus Ouest, France), a PhD in quantitative marine science (University of Tasmania, Australia) and a PhD in economics (Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France). Her double expertise biology-economics in the field of fisheries has been a strong asset for efficient collaboration in multi-disciplinary projects. She has been Work Package and Task leader of bio-economic modelling work in EU projects BENTHIS, MYFISH and CERES.

Katell has developed bio-economic models of fisheries to assess and understand the impacts of fisheries management and climate change since 2006. She co-developed and applied the spatial model SIMFISH in EU projects (EFIMAS, COEXIST, VECTORS, SOCIOEC, MYFISH and CERES) and in STECF expert groups and she developed the human dimension component of the individual based model of the Tasmanian Rock Lobster fishery in Australia during her PhD.

Through her collaboration with social scientists and her work on behaviour science, Katell aims to account for the complexity of human nature in marine models and management advice.