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Education - drs. LFP (Leon) Pijnenburg


CPT78324 MSc Research Practice Philosophy
YSS38206 Grand Challenges for the Governance of Sustainability Transformations
CPT65000 Applied Ethics
YSS31306 Thesis Path MDR
CPT36806 Critical Reflection on Research in International Development Practice
CPT59304 Capita Selecta Philosophy
CPT59306 Capita Selecta Philosophy
CPT59303 Capita Selecta Philosophy
CPT15806 Philosophy of Communication and Society
CPT56006 Introduction to Global One Health
RSO22306 Food Culture and Customs
CPT55206 Philosophical reflection on science, society and the good life - An Introduction
NEM20306 Research Methodology in Plant Sciences
CPT13806 Ethics, Health and Society
CPT65100 Knowledge Hurts
CPT65100 Knowledge Hurts
CPT55403 Intercultural perspectives: moral status of animals and humans
YSS31306 Thesis & Professional Path MDR
CPT55403 Intercultural perspectives: moral status of animals and humans
CPT79324 MSc Research Practice Philosophy
CPT70424 MSc Internship Philosophy
SDC10306 Law, Politics and Governance
CPT59301 Capita Selecta Philosophy
CPT70224 MSc Internship Philosophy
CPT80424 MSc Thesis Philosophy
SDC10306 Law, Politics and Governance
RSO22306 Food Culture and Customs
CPT27203 Responsibility and Reflection in Molecular Life Sciences
YSS10906 Analysis of a Problem Situation
CPT13806 Ethics, Health and Society
YSS38406 Designing governance for the future
CPT56006 Introduction to Global One Health
CPT27203 Responsibility and Reflection in Molecular Life Sciences
CPT15806 Philosophy of Communication and Society
CPT15303 Science, Technology and Society
CPT15303 Science, Technology and Society
YSS10906 Analysis of a Problem Situation
CPT70424 MSc Internship Philosophy
CPT70224 MSc Internship Philosophy
CPT59306 Capita Selecta Philosophy
CPT65000 Applied Ethics
CPT65100 Philosophy of science and technology
CPT59304 Capita Selecta Philosophy
CPT59303 Capita Selecta Philosophy
CPT59301 Capita Selecta Philosophy
CPT55206 Philosophical reflection on science, society and the good life - An Introduction
CPT80424 MSc Thesis Philosophy
CPT79324 MSc Research Practice Philosophy
CPT78324 MSc Research Practice Philosophy