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Education - drs. LFP (Leon) Pijnenburg
CPT78324 | MSc Research Practice Philosophy |
YSS38206 | Grand Challenges for the Governance of Sustainability Transformations |
CPT65000 | Applied Ethics |
YSS31306 | Thesis Path MDR |
CPT36806 | Critical Reflection on Research in International Development Practice |
CPT59304 | Capita Selecta Philosophy |
CPT59306 | Capita Selecta Philosophy |
CPT59303 | Capita Selecta Philosophy |
CPT15806 | Philosophy of Communication and Society |
CPT56006 | Introduction to Global One Health |
RSO22306 | Food Culture and Customs |
CPT55206 | Philosophical reflection on science, society and the good life - An Introduction |
NEM20306 | Research Methodology in Plant Sciences |
CPT13806 | Ethics, Health and Society |
CPT65100 | Knowledge Hurts |
CPT65100 | Knowledge Hurts |
CPT55403 | Intercultural perspectives: moral status of animals and humans |
YSS31306 | Thesis & Professional Path MDR |
CPT55403 | Intercultural perspectives: moral status of animals and humans |
CPT79324 | MSc Research Practice Philosophy |
CPT70424 | MSc Internship Philosophy |
SDC10306 | Law, Politics and Governance |
CPT59301 | Capita Selecta Philosophy |
CPT70224 | MSc Internship Philosophy |
CPT80424 | MSc Thesis Philosophy |
SDC10306 | Law, Politics and Governance |
RSO22306 | Food Culture and Customs |
CPT27203 | Responsibility and Reflection in Molecular Life Sciences |
YSS10906 | Analysis of a Problem Situation |
CPT13806 | Ethics, Health and Society |
YSS38406 | Designing governance for the future |
CPT56006 | Introduction to Global One Health |
CPT27203 | Responsibility and Reflection in Molecular Life Sciences |
CPT15806 | Philosophy of Communication and Society |
CPT15303 | Science, Technology and Society |
CPT15303 | Science, Technology and Society |
YSS10906 | Analysis of a Problem Situation |
CPT70424 | MSc Internship Philosophy |
CPT70224 | MSc Internship Philosophy |
CPT59306 | Capita Selecta Philosophy |
CPT65000 | Applied Ethics |
CPT65100 | Philosophy of science and technology |
CPT59304 | Capita Selecta Philosophy |
CPT59303 | Capita Selecta Philosophy |
CPT59301 | Capita Selecta Philosophy |
CPT55206 | Philosophical reflection on science, society and the good life - An Introduction |
CPT80424 | MSc Thesis Philosophy |
CPT79324 | MSc Research Practice Philosophy |
CPT78324 | MSc Research Practice Philosophy |