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Education - LA (Lotje) de Vries

I teach various courses within the bachelor and master programmes International Development Studies of Wageningen University. Most of the courses that I am involved in have a focus on conflict and disaster studies.

I enjoy supervising Master and Bachelor theses projects. I am interested in collaborating with students that seek to critically study local dynamics of development and conflict. I am interested in questions such as: How do external interventions reverberate in everyday lives of people?; How are power and authority performed and enacted by state and non-state actors?; What role do (natural) resources play in claims of belonging and identity? What contributes to and undermines dynamics of social cohesion and stability? Examples of thesis topics that I would welcome to supervise are:

  • Everyday perceptions and governance of security and insecurity
  • Borders, regional integration and transnationalism
  • Linkages between (small) local conflicts and big politics
  • Migration and identities in a world on the move
  • Livelihoods, resource management and conflicts (e.g. fisheries, pastoralism)


SDC51306 Fieldwork in Conflict Environments
RSO21306 Political Sociology for Development
SDC70224 MSc Internship Sociology of Development and Change
SDC70724 MSc Internship Disaster Studies
SDC78324 MSc Research Practice Sociology of Development and Change
SDC78424 MSc Research Practice Disaster Studies
SDC80736 MSc Thesis Disaster Studies
SDC70424 MSc Internship Sociology of Development and Change
SDC70824 MSc Internship Disaster Studies
SDC80424 MSc Thesis Sociology of Development and Change
SDC79324 MSc Research Practice Sociology of Development and Change
SDC79424 MSc Research Practice Disaster Studies
SDC80430 MSc Thesis Sociology of Development and Change
SDC80436 MSc Thesis Sociology of Development and Change
SDC80724 MSc Thesis Disaster Studies
SDC36306 Perspectives and Themes in International Development Studies
SDC37306 Fieldwork in Conflict Environments
SDC80736 MSc Thesis Disaster Studies
SDC70424 MSc Internship Sociology of Development and Change
SDC70824 MSc Internship Disaster Studies
SDC80424 MSc Thesis Sociology of Development and Change
SDC79324 MSc Research Practice Sociology of Development and Change
SDC79424 MSc Research Practice Disaster Studies
SDC80430 MSc Thesis Sociology of Development and Change
SDC80436 MSc Thesis Sociology of Development and Change
SDC80724 MSc Thesis Disaster Studies
SDC36306 Perspectives and Themes in International Development Studies
SDC70224 MSc Internship Sociology of Development and Change
SDC70724 MSc Internship Disaster Studies
SDC78324 MSc Research Practice Sociology of Development and Change
SDC78424 MSc Research Practice Disaster Studies
RSO21306 Political Sociology for Development