Projects - dr. MF (Mary) Greene
Project lead & coordinator: Covid-19 and Consumption: disruptions in everyday life
This ongoing project is advancing a cross-cultural social practice approach to exploring the impact of the COVID19 pandemic on dynamics of daily consumption practices. The project is being led by ENP and includes a consortium of international scholars in the sociology of sustainable consumption across Europe, Asia, and the USA. Overview:
Project partner: Gender equity and Energy Access in the Global South: This project investigates what the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of "access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy" (SDG7) means to the professionals working on matters of energy access, and in particular what the implications are for gender equality ( SDG5), in the Global South. Through collaboration with 11 partners in sites across six countries, this project has undertaken 86 semi-structured interviews with energy sector professionals across Nigeria, Ghana, India and Pakistan.
The project yields actionable, evidence-based recommendations for stakeholders to support equitable development of new and ongoing policies and interventions on energy access. Critically towards ensuring energy policy(makers) start conceptualizing gender in more inclusive ways, as part of energy access interventions. See our project website for more information:
Project Partner: Unusual Perspectives on Dynamic Networks: Building Interdisciplinary Understanding (SPARK Unusual Collaboration Project). This project seeks to explore multi-disciplinary ways in which we can conceptualize and study dynamic networks and their role in sustainability transitions. The Spark Unusual Collbaortion fund supports collaboration among early-career scholars at Dutch University (WUR, Utrecht, and Eindhoven) for more information see
Urban lifestyles and consumption biographies: Exploring the intersections between lives, practices, and contexts, this project involves ongoing cross-cultural urban comparative analysis of the evolution of consumption lifestyles in different urban sites and development settings around the world, including Ireland, Bosnia, New Zealand, and The Gambia.
In addition to the above, I supervise a wide range of bachelor, master, and doctoral research investigating various aspects of the social dynamics of (un)sustainable consumption, across domains such as food, mobility, and circular economy transitions as they play out across diverse urban sites. I currently supervise 3 individual Ph.D. projects on diversity and out-of-home urban food consumption practices in Africa; bio-fuel transitions in China; community resistance to extractivism in Ireland.