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Education - dr. N (Nina) Fatouros
I am involved in two courses on the biology, diversity and systematics of arthropods/insects, namely as lecturer in 'Biodiversity of the Netherlands' (BIS-10306) and coordinater of 'Webs of Terrestrial Diversity' (BIS-21306). The first includes bike excursions around Wageningen and the second a 2-week excursion to the French Pyrenees.
BIS80424 | MSc Thesis Biosystematics |
BIS80436 | MSc Thesis Biosystematics |
BIS50404 | Capita Selecta Biosystematics |
BIS10306 | Biodiversity of The Netherlands |
BIS50406 | Capita Selecta Biosystematics |
BIS51306 | Short Research Project in Biosystematics Group |
BIS21306 | Webs of Terrestrial Diversity |
BIS50401 | Capita Selecta Biosystematics |
BIS79224 | MSc Research Practice Biosystematics |
BIS70224 | MSc Internship Biosystematics |
BIS70424 | MSc Internship Biosystematics |
BIS79324 | MSc Research Practice Biosystematics |
BIS50403 | Capita Selecta Biosystematics |
BIS50401 | Capita Selecta Biosystematics |
BIS80424 | MSc Thesis Biosystematics |
BIS80436 | MSc Thesis Biosystematics |
BIS10306 | Biodiversity of The Netherlands |
BIS21306 | Webs of Terrestrial Diversity |
BIS50403 | Capita Selecta Biosystematics |
BIS70424 | MSc Internship Biosystematics |
BIS79324 | MSc Research Practice Biosystematics |
BIS51306 | Short Research Project in Biosystematics Group |
BIS70224 | MSc Internship Biosystematics |
BIS79224 | MSc Research Practice Biosystematics |