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Contact person for... - dr. R (Rob) van Treuren
Niche modelling
Predictions about the current and future distribution of crop related wild species are important information to gene banks to: • Guide collecting... -
Research at CGN: Core collections and niche modelling
CGN does research supporting the ex-situ conservation of plant genetic resources. This research concentrates on issues related to the composition of... -
CGN leafy vegetables collection
Leafy vegetables are a highly variable group of crop plants that can broadly be defined as vegetables grown for their edible leaves. However, the...
The DNA of lettuce unravelled: in 6000 years from weed to beloved vegetable
12 april 2021 | Iceberg lettuce, oakleaf lettuce, romaine, and all other lettuces that we eat nowadays, descend from wild plants that were modified 6000 years ago in... -
DNA sequence data of 445 SSD lines of lettuce available
9 november 2020 | DNA sequence data of 445 SSD lines of lettuce available - WUR News DNA sequence data of 445 SSD lines of lettuce available article_published_on_label... -
Preserving crop diversity
18 juni 2020 | Preserving crop diversity - WUR News Preserving crop diversity article_published_on_label June 18, 2020 Today, there are more than 1,750 gene banks... -
Spinach: past, present and future
16 maart 2020 | A large number of papers about spinach have been combined into a paper about the history of spinach. The paper, which was published in the journal... -
Rapid loss of seed viability under 4˚C gene bank storage
6 juli 2018 | Rapid loss of seed viability under 4˚C gene bank storage - WUR News Rapid loss of seed viability under 4˚C gene bank storage...