RJK (Roel) Helmes MSc
Researcher Sustainability AssessmentFollow me:
I inform and inspire businesses and governments with facts from sustainability assessments such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). I asses a range of agricultural products and improve sustainability assessment methods with the LCA perspective. My focus is both the primary production and the (chemical) processing of these products. My current research areas are:
- LCA methods and pesticide assessments for horticultural crops
- LCA for commodities, horticulture and livestock in developing countries
- Sustainability monitoring for retailers and food service and improving the sustainability performance of their supply chain
- LCA of biobased non-food products
- Improvement of environmental assessments with life cycle thinking, LCA methods and impact characterization models.
Before, I have assessed the sustainability of plastics from seaweed, milkpowder and mozzarella, as well as a range of horticultural crops. More information can be found at https://www.wur.nl/en/Research-Results/Research-Institutes/Economic-Research/Research-topics-1/Societal-impact-management-1.htm